1. 查询CPU序列号

wmic cpu get name,addresswidth,processorid

  1. 查询CPU信息
  wmic cpu list full
  wmic cpu list brief
  1. 查询主板序列号

wmic baseboard get Manufacturer,Product,Version,SerialNumber

  1. 查询BIOS版本信息
  wmic bios list brief
  wmic bios list full
  1. 查询网卡MAC地址
  wmic nicconfig get macaddress
  1. 查询硬盘序列号

wmic diskdrive get serialnumber

  1. 查询内存
  wmic memorychip get Speed,Manufacturer,PartNumber
  wmic MEMPHYSICAL list brief
  # 查询最大支持内存容量
  wmic MEMPHYSICAL get maxcapacity
  1. 获取磁盘资料

wmic DISKDRIVE get deviceid,Caption,size,InterfaceType

  1. 获取分区资料

wmic LOGICALDISK get name,Description,filesystem,size,freespace

  1. 获取声卡资料

wmic SOUNDDEV get ProductName

  1. 获取屏幕分辨率

wmic DESKTOPMONITOR where Status=’ok’ get ScreenHeight,ScreenWidth

  1. PROCESS-进程管理
  # 获取进程列表
  wmic process list brief
  # 获取进程路径
  wmic process where name="WeChat.exe" get executablepath
  # 创建新进程
  wmic process call create notepad
  wmic process call create "C:\Program Files\Tencent\QQ\QQ.exe"
  wmic process call create "shutdown.exe -r -f -t 20"
  # 删除指定进程
  wmic process where name="qq.exe" call terminate
  wmic process where processid="2345" delete
  # 删除可疑进程
  wmic process where "name='explorer.exe' and executablepath<>'%SystemDrive%\\windows\\explorer.exe'" delete
  # 更改当前用户名
  WMIC USERACCOUNT where "name='%UserName%'" call rename Your-New-UserName
  # 新建用户帮助
  1. FSDIR-目录管理
  # 列出c盘下名为test的目录
  wmic FSDIR where "drive='c:' and filename='test'" list
  # 删除c:\good文件夹
  wmic fsdir "c:\\test" call delete
  # 重命名c:\test文件夹为abc
  wmic fsdir "c:\\test" rename "c:\abc"
  wmic fsdir where (name='c:\\test') rename "c:\abc"
  # 复制文件夹
  wmic fsdir where name='d:\\test' call copy "c:\\test"
  1. DATAFILE-文件管理
  # 重命名
  wmic datafile "c:\\test.txt" call rename c:\abc.txt